5 Ways to Add More Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet


Do you eat enough fruits and vegetables? According to the CDC most of us aren’t getting the proper amounts of fruits and vegetables in our diets. A study from the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health found that eating seven serving of fruits and vegetables a day led to a 42 percent lower risk of death during the study period, a 25 percent reduction in deaths from cancer, and a 31 percent dip in deaths from heart disease and stroke. It’s not always easy to fit in the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables in our daily routine, but here are a few easy ways to fit them in:

  • Keep them visible so you will be more likely to grab them when in a hurry.
  • Add a few slices of banana or a few berries to your breakfast cereal or oatmeal.
  • Make smoothies out of your favorite fruits and vegetables.
  • Dried fruits are great as toppings.
  • Frozen fruits and vegetables are just as nutritious and they are always available.

P.S. Our Vege-Kleen is perfect for cleaning your fruits and vegetables. It not only breaks down residual traces of toxic chemicals and pathogens but also kills bacteria and viruses. Click here to find out more about the Vege-Kleen.

Vegetables: Raw Vs. Cooked


We all know that vegetables are good for our bodies but are they better for us cooked or raw?

When vegetables are cooked certain antioxidants are better absorbed by our bodies. Cooking also releases many nutrients making it easier for our bodies to digest them.

These vegetables are better for you when cooked:

  • Spinach
  • Mushrooms
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Asparagus

Raw vegetables contain more vitamin C, B vitamins and the good bacteria that our bodies need. These are usually lost during the cooking process.

These vegetables are better for you in their raw form:

  • Bell Pepper
  • Lettuce
  • Celery
  • Broccoli
  • Beets

In the end, both raw and cooked vegetables have their own health benefits. So feel free to mix it up and make sure you’re eating the recommended amount of vegetables each day.